
Why Us

In the crowd of accounting outsourcing companies in India and worldwide, we stand out and has proved
ourselves as a better one because of the following reasons.


We encourage all our clients, irrespective of business size, to provide us data on a fortnightly or monthly basis so that both of us can stay updated with the financial health of their business. Once books are updated, we send easy-to-read and transperant financial statements which reflect each and every transaction in all accounts. Any query related to financial statements is responded within 24 hours

Look more professional

You will always have the updated financial reports. Impress your banker with such updated reports and keep the taxman happy by effortlessly making your tax returns accurately on time.

Look more professional

You will always have the updated financial reports. Impress your banker with such updated reports and keep the taxman happy by effortlessly making your tax returns accurately on time.

No more paper shuffling

Leave the data management to our “super” accountants. Before starting any work, data sent to us is properly managed and organized in such a way that any document can be located within seconds from the heap of data. Such managed data is transferred back to our clients with financial statements, upon request

Easy and fast to get connected

We have several modes of communication such as toll free numbers, emails, Skype, Yahoo messenger, AOL, Gtalk, etc so that our clients do not face any difficulty in reaching out to us. We communicate using client’s preferred mode of communication. Any query is responded back within 24 hours.

Easy and fast to get connected

We have several modes of communication such as toll free numbers, emails, Skype, Yahoo messenger, AOL, Gtalk, etc so that our clients do not face any difficulty in reaching out to us. We communicate using client’s preferred mode of communication. Any query is responded back within 24 hours.

Personal association Vs business association

We strive to develop a friendly relationship with our clients as well as with team mates in office. This helps every one of us to clearly explain the needs and hence a better working environment is built which in turn leads to a long and productive association.

Peace of mind at unbelievably low cost

We can render you bookkeeping, payroll and tax services at such a price which will help you to save thousands of dollars on your annual staffing cost while maintaining 99% efficiency level. We do not take any bonus or paid leaves.

Peace of mind at unbelievably low cost

We can render you bookkeeping, payroll and tax services at such a price which will help you to save thousands of dollars on your annual staffing cost while maintaining 99% efficiency level. We do not take any bonus or paid leaves.


With us, size does not matter. You can be a business with a few transactions each year as well as a business with hundreds of transactions. We will assign 1 or more dedicated accountant to your work depending upon work volume. Our services can support growth of your business.


We have backups not only for the data and softwares but also accountants. We assign a backup accountant to each one of our clients to make sure that if the working accountant is not available on a particular day, the backup accountant steps into his shoes and gets the work done.


We have backups not only for the data and softwares but also accountants. We assign a backup accountant to each one of our clients to make sure that if the working accountant is not available on a particular day, the backup accountant steps into his shoes and gets the work done.